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Introduction to Buddhism

The Five Race Buddhas and the Five Emotions
Teacher: His Holiness the Sakya Trichen (the 41st Sakya Trizin),
Venue: Singapore,
Year: 2011

His Holiness the Sakya Trichen (the 41st Sakya Trizin) bestowed this teaching on February 13, 2011 at Sakya Tenphel Ling, Singapore.

In this teaching, His Holiness presents a clear picture of the connection between our five emotional states and the five wisdoms embodied by the Buddhas of Five Races. This is the key for us to understand and work with our emotions, so that we can transform our defilements into primordial wisdoms, which is taught specifically in the Vajrayāna tantras.

Acknowledgement: We thank a Dharma friend for sharing the audio teaching with us.