According to the Luding lineage, H.E Luding Khenchen Rinpoche was ordained as a monk at this age of ten, and then spent all his time learning and receiving instructions on LamDre, The Seven Mandalas of Ngor tradition, The Thirteen Golden Dharmas and countless other initiations and teachings. Rinpoche stayed on innumerable major and minor retreats, practicing almost all the deities of the Sakya and the Ngor traditions.
Rinpoche has contributed greatly to the Buddha dharma by bestowing extensive Dharma teachings, empowerments, oral transmissions. He has given the precious Lam Dre teachings both common and uncommon 15 times, a countless number of initiations and teachings on the Thirteen Golden Dharmas of the Sakya tradition, the Seven Mandalas of the Ngor tradition, and major and minor deities of the Sakya and Ngor traditions.