
Yarlungpa Sengge Gyaltsen was a disciple of Palden Lama Dhampa Sonam Gyaltsen, the 14th Sakya throne holder. He is the holder of the Vajrayoginī lineage. […]

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Chetsun Jamyang Donyo Gyaltsen is the eleventh abbot of Nalendra Monastery, who was honored by the Chinese emperor an official golden hat and robes, an imperial edict, and a golden seal. […]

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Chetsun Khyenrab Choje, from the Zhalu Kushang branch of the ancient Che family was installed as the throneholder and eighth abbot of the Nalendra Monastery by Dagchen Lodrö Gyaltsen, the twenty-first Sakya throneholder. Khyenrab Choje was the first Chogye Trichen and was succeeded by seventeen holders of the Chogye Trichen title, all of whom came […]

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Khedrub Chenpo Sangye Rinchen, also known as Muchen Sanggye Rinchen, was born in 1450 to father Kubon Konchok Lek and mother Chokyong Gyelmo. He received his ordination from Muchen Sempa Chenpo Konchok Gyeltsen, the second Ngor abbot. At the age of twenty-eight, he was fully ordained with Drubchen Konchok Lodro and Palden Gyalpo. He also […]

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Yongdzin Konchog Pel is the seventh abbot of Ngor Monastery. He was also the teacher of Salo Jhampai Dorje Kunga Sonam, the twenty-second Sakya throneholder.   Further Reading: The Seventh Ngor Khenchen, Konchok Pelwa, by Alexander Gardner (Source: Treasury of Lives). […]

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Khedrub Palden Dorje, the fifth abbot of Ngor Monastery was born near Sakya in 1411. His father was Paljor Zangpo and his mother was Kyepa Pal. He received a long-life empowerment from Sabzang Pagpa Zhunno Lodro, teacher of Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo, founder of the Ngor sub-lineage of the Sakya school. He received his novice vow […]

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Gyaltsab Dampa Kunga Wangchuk, the fourth abbot of Ngor Monastery, was born in 1424. He took novice vows at the age of twelve with Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo and Jangpukpa Kunga Legpa. When Kunga Wangchuk was twenty-seven, he received his full monastic ordination and is said to have upheld the three sets of vows with great […]

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