Their Holiness the Sakya Trichen and the 42nd Sakya Trizin will be visiting Sakya Drogon Ling, Spain on August 16, 2022.
Venue: Teatre-Auditori de Beniarbeig, Avda. de la Rectoria 24, 03778, Beniarbeig, Alicante,
Date: August 16, 2022 (Monday)
10:30 am
Vajrapani Buddhadamara Initiation by H.H. the Sakya Trichen
Oral Transmission of various texts for Tara and the 21 Tara praise by H.H. the Sakya Trichen
4:00 pm
Red Ganapati Initiation by H.H. the 42nd Sakya Trizin
Registration is required. For further information, please contact the organizer at