Ngawang Lodro Shenpen Nyingpo

Ngawang Lodro Shenpen Nyingpo (c. 1876 – c. 1952)

Ngorpa Lineage
Lamdré Lineage
Vajrayoginī Lineage

Ngor Khangsar Khenchen Ngawang Lodro Shenphen Nyingpo, also known as Khenchen Dhampa, is the sixty-fifth throne holder of Ngor Monastery.  Born in Tzarong Menthang. He was later enthroned as Ngor Khangsar Shabdrung. 

He received the three vows from Khangsar Khenchen Ngawang Lodro Nyingpo. When he went to receive teachings from Dzogchen Shenga Rinpoche, Shenga Rinpoche had a dream on the night before their meeting. In his dream, he saw five women ornamented with jewels and holding cases in their hands. With one voice they said, “The three vehicles and the four philosophical schools, the four classes of tantra and their subdivisions, all phenomena without exception, identical with reality itself: this is the sphere of activity of a great noble one who resides on the great bh ū mi.” After that, they offered the bottles to Shenga Rinpoche. The next morning, Shenga Rinpoche predicted, “Whoever is coming to me as a new student today, would be the great scholar of the great land. He would be known for his rich knowledge, his unstained ability through his attainment to prophesize and to remember the past.”

Khenchen Dhampa studied all thirteen root texts of philosophy, sutras, and mantras from Shenga Rinpoche, and also from other masters such as Ponlob Loten Wangpo and Drakra Choekyi Nyima. He had many great disciples like His Holiness the Sakya Trichen, and many other masters from different sects.