Tawen Kunga Rinchen

Tawen Kunga Rinchen – The Sixteenth Sakya Trizin (c. 1339 – c. 1399)

Sakya Throneholders

Tawen Kunga Rinchen is the sixteenth Sakya throneholder and the second throne holder of the Zhitok Labrang, one of the four hereditary palaces in which Sakya was divided in the early fourteenth century. His father was Ketsun Mahkha Legpa Gyaltsen, the twelfth Sakya throneholder, who was also considered as the first throne holder of the Zhitok Labrang. His mother was Gendun Bum.

He received novice vows from his uncle Jamyang Donyö Gyaltsen, the thirteenth Sakya throneholder and Nyamme Chenpo Dragpa Gyaltsen. His teachers were Lama Dhampa Sonam Gyaltsen, Jamyang Donyö Gyaltsen, Nyamme Chenpo Dragpa Gyaltsen, Wangchuk Gyaltsen, and Gonpo Gyaltsen.

In 1358, Tawen Kunga Rinchen was awarded seal and the title of Guanding Guoshi by the Huizong Emperor.