Dagnyi Chenpo Sangpo Pal, the eleventh Sakya throneholder, was born in 1262. His father was Yeshe Jungne, a half-brother of Drogön Chögyal Phagpa (the fifth Sakya patriarch). Sangpo Pal was sent to Sakya Monastery in his youth. He received empowerments and transmissions from Drogön Chögyal Phagpa at the age of sixteen. “I do not have […]
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Sharchen Jamyang Rinchen Gyaltsen became the tenth throne holder of the Sakya Order after his predecessor, Dharmapāla Rakshita vacated his position. He was also appointed as the Imperial Preceptor in 1304. […]
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Shang Konchog Pal is the tenth lineage holder of the Vajrayoginī teachings and the sixteenth lineage holder of the Lam Dre teachings. He received them both from Chogyal Phagpa. He was also a student of Khampa Aseng, another important Sakya master. […]
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Yarlungpa Sengge Gyaltsen was a disciple of Palden Lama Dhampa Sonam Gyaltsen, the 14th Sakya throne holder. He is the holder of the Vajrayoginī lineage. […]
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Naza Draphuba was a student of Shangton Konchog Pal. A holder of both the Vajrayoginī and Lamdré lineages, in fact, he was an important of figure in the Lamdré tradition because he united three divergent lineages of teachings and practice derived from Jetsun Dragpa Gyaltsen. […]
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Garton Jamyang Sherab Gyatso, the third Ngor Monastery abbot, was born in the Tsang district of Tibet. His father was Gyaltsen Dar of the Gar clan, and his mother was Lhundrub Gyalmo. He was given the name Sonam Pal by the 16th Sakya throne holder, Kunga Rinchen, and was prophesized would be a great master. […]
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Muchen Sempa Chenpo Konchog Gyaltsen was born in the Mu valley of Tibet in 1388. His father was Konchok Zangpo and his mother was Namkha Kyong. He took ordination at the age of nine. He received many teachings and transmissions from many accomplished masters. He also helped Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo to establish Ngor Monastery. […]
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Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo was one of the most influential and prominent teachers of the Sakya school. Ngorchen demonstrated remarkable qualities since young and received ordination at the age of nine. He was appointed as the throneholder of the Sazang Ganden temple and later he founded Ngor monastery, which eventually became the seat of the Ngor […]
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Kunkhyen Tashi Namgyal, student of Rongton Sheja Kunrig, is the second abbot of Nalendra Monastery. […]
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Gyalse Ngulchu Thogme Zangpo, an emanation of Avalokiteśvara was a great Sakya master who served as an abbot of Bodong E Monastery. He was a great scholar, bodhisattva, and accomplished master. He composed The Thirty-Seven Practices of the Bodhisattvas, a famous text on bodhicitta along with many other important works. Extracted from Gyalse Ngulchu Thogme […]
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