Drogön Chögyal Phagpa

Drogön Chögyal Phagpa

Drogön Chögyal Phagpa (Tibetan འགྲོ་མགོན་ཆོས་རྒྱལ་འཕགས་པ་ the Victory Dharma King – Protector of Beings) was born amid excellent signs in the Wood Female Sheep year (1235). His father was Sönam Gyaltsen and his mother was Machig Kunga Kyi. He was given the name Lödro Gyaltsen (སོག་བཟློག་པ་བློ་གྲོས་རྒྱལ་མཚན་ Wisdom of the Victory Banner) at birth.  He is the […]

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Sakya Paṇḍita Kunga Gyaltsen

Choeje Sakya Paṇḍita Kunga Gyaltsen, commonly known as Sapaṇ, is the 4th Sakya Patriarch and also the 6th Sakya Trizin was born in Male Water Tiger Year (1182) in Sakya. He was one of the greatest scholars in Tibetan history and one of the so-called ‘Three Mañjughoshas of Tibet’. He is the son of Pelchen Opo, who was […]

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Jetsun Rinpoche Dragpa Gyaltsen

Jetsün Dragpa Gyaltsen རྗེ་བཙུན་གྲགས་པ་རྒྱལ་མཚན, the third of the five Sakya Patriarchs, was born in the year of the Female Fire Rabbit (1147) in Sakya, Tibet. His father was Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, the first Sakya patriarch. His mother’s name was Machig Odron. His older brother was Loppon Sönam Tsemo, who was the second Sakya patriarch. When […]

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Lopön Sonam Tsemo

Lopön Sonam Tsemo (Tibetan: བསོད་ནམས་རྩེ་མོ) was born in the Male Water Dog year (1142) in glorious Sakya. He was the eldest of the three sons born to the First Sakya Patriarch – Sachen Kunga Nyingpo and Machig Odrön. He was the Second Sakya Patriarch and also the Fourth Sakya throne holder. He was identified as the reincarnation of […]

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Sachen Kunga Nyingpo

The great Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, emanation of Lord Avalokiteshvara, embodiment of the compassion of all the Buddhas, emanation of Lord Manjushri, embodiment of the wisdom of all the Buddhas, was born in the Khön family to Khön Konchog Gyalpo and Sonam Kyid (known as Machig Shangmo). Shortly beforehand, the Lord of Mahadsiddhas, Namkha’upa Chokyi Gyaltsen, […]

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