
Morchen Ngawang Kunga Lhundrup was a master of the Tsar sub-lineage of the Sakya Order. He was a disciple of Khyenrab Jampa Ngawang Lhundrup. He is also lineage master of Lamdré Lobshed and Vajrayoginī. […]

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Khyenrab Jampa Ngawang Lhundrup was the sixteenth abbot of Nalendra Monastery. He was a disciple of Rinchen Sonam Chogdrup. He is a holder of the Vajrayoginī lineage and the Lamdré Lobshed lineage. […]

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Rinchen Sonam Chogdrup was the twenty-second abbot of Zhalu. He was the disciple of Gonpo Sonam Chogden. He is a holder of the Vajrayogini Lineage and Lamdré Lobshed lineage. […]

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Khyabdag Kagyurwa Chenpo Nesarwa Won Rinpoche Gonpo Sonam Chogden is an important figure in the Tsarpa tradition. He is said to have been an emanation of Tsarchen Losal Gyatso, the founder of the Tsar sub-lineage of the Sakya Order. Kagyurwa Gonpo Sonam Chogden gave the complete cycles of the Lamdré Lobshed to Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso, […]

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Wangchuk Rabten was the eighteenth abbot of Zhalu. He was a disciple of Khenchen Lapsum Gyaltsen, and nephew of Jamyang Khyentse Wangchuk. Wangchuk Rabten is also an important master in the transmission lineage of the Lamdré Lobshed teachings. He was the teacher of Gonpo Sonam Chogden. […]

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Naza Draphuba was a student of Shangton Konchog Pal. A holder of both the Vajrayoginī and Lamdré lineages, in fact, he was an important of figure in the Lamdré tradition because he united three divergent lineages of teachings and practice derived from Jetsun Dragpa Gyaltsen.   […]

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“Jetsunma Tamdrin Wangmo, also known as Jetsunma Kalsang Chökyi Nyima. She is from the Phuntsok Phodrang. You know we have two palaces. I am from the Dolma Phodrang and she is from the Phuntsok Phodrang, which is now in Seattle. She is extremely well-known, even in our Khön lineage history. There is one full chapter describing her life. She is a very great master. She traveled to Kham, the eastern […]

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18.Tsarchen Losal Gyatso

Tsarchen Losal Gyatso founded the Tsar sub-lineage of the Sakya Order. He is also the thirteenth abbot of Zhalu Monastery. He is a lineage holder in the Vajrayoginī lineage and the Lamdré Lobshed Lineage. He received ordination from Gendun Gyatso, and lived at Tashi Lhunpo Monastery. Later, he studied at the feet of Jetsun Doringpa. […]

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Māhasiddha Gayādhara was a student of Māhasiddha Avadhutipa, a holder of the Lamdré lineage, and teacher of Drokmi Lotsāwa. […]

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Māhasiddha Avadhutipa was a disciple of Māhasiddha Damarupa and a holder of the Lamdré lineage. […]

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