Ngor Khangsar Shabdrung Ngawang Lodro Tenzin Nyingpo

Ngor Khangsar Shabdrung Ngawang Lodro Tenzin Nyingpo (1933-1958) was born in one of the famous aristocrat families named Sharkhud Pel in Tsang Tanak region in Tibet. He was recognized as a reincarnation of Loter Wangpo, an accomplished master of the secret doctrine and a throne holder of the Ngor, a subsect of the Sakya Order. […]

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Dezhung Anjam Kunga Tenpai Gyaltsen

Dezhung Anjam Kunga Tenpai Gyaltsen (1885-1952), also known as Dezhung Tulku Ajam was an important Sakya master. He was a disciple of Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro and Gaton Ngawang Lekpa. He was a teacher of Khenchen Appey and Khenchen Kunga Wangchuk, and Dhongthog Rinpoche. […]

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Khenchen Jampel Zangpo

Lhakang Khenchen Jampel Zangpo was an accomplished master and a great scholar. He was one of the teachers of His Holiness the Sakya Trichen (the forty-first Sakya throneholder). Since young, Khenchen Jampel Zangpo was highly intelligent. He entered monkhood at the age of seven. He received the entire teachings of sutra, tantra, and pith instructions […]

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