Lotsāwa Rinchen Sangpo

Lotsāwa Rinchen Sangpo, the most important translator during this new translation period of time. Through him, Lama Sakyapa received many, many teachings. Extracted from An Overview of the Sakya School of Tibetan Buddhism: History, Masters, and Teachings (2021) by His Holiness the Sakya Trichen; The Sakya Tradition Publications. […]

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Mal Lotsāwa Lodro Dragpa

Mal Lotsawa

Mal Lotsāwa’s name is Lodrö Dragpa, the fourth of thirty-seven Vajrayoginī lineage holders. He gave an enormous number of teachings to Lama Sakyapa Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, such as the sādhanās of the deities Mahākāla and Cakrasaṃvara. *Extracted from An Overview of the Sakya School of Tibetan Buddhism: History, Masters, and Teachings (2021) by His Holiness […]

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Bari Lotsāwa Rinchen Drag

Bari Lotsawa Rinchen Drak

Bari Lotsāwa’s personal name is Rinchen Dragpa. “Bari” is his race. He travelled from Tibet through Nepal to India and stayed there for many years studying under the guidance of Indian masters. He received many teachings and collected them together in a book called the Collection of Sādhanā. He brought many teachings back to Tibet. […]

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Drokmi Lotsāwa

Drogmi Lotsawa

Drokmi Lotsāwa’s personal name is Śākya Yeshé. He was the first Tibetan lama to have received the Lamdré teachings. He gave Könchok Gyalpo many teachings, especially the Hevajra Tantra, but not the Lamdré teaching. Drokmi Lotsāwa did not give the two different types of teachings to the same person. Lamdré teaching is a pith instruction. […]

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