Mañjuśrī Initiation: Dharma Advice Before and After

His Holiness the 43rd Sakya Trizin, Gyana Vajra Rinpoche bestowed this teaching, at the request of Casa Virupa, Tavertet, Barcelona, Spain on August 14, 2021. There are various levels of wisdom, each holding its own significance. In the teachings of Buddha, our quest is to uncover the ultimate wisdom—the profound comprehension and revelation of the […]

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Dependent Origination

His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin, Ratna Vajra Rinpoche, bestowed this teaching on June 21, 2017, at the request of Sakya Gephel Ling, Barcelona, Spain. The Tibetan term “tenching drelwar jungwa” means dependent origination, or dependent arising. Its short form is tendrel. The Buddha’s doctrine of tendrel asserts the interconnected nature of all phenomena. In its […]

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Wisdom and Compassion

His Holiness the Sakya Trichen (the 41st Sakya Trizin) bestowed this teaching in 2003 at Ahimsa Institute, South Egremont, Massachusetts, USA. We often focus on the results that we desire without precise attention to the causal factors that will produce them. This is true whether we are speaking of worldly or spiritual goals: success, happiness, […]

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His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin, Ratna Vajra Rinpoche, bestowed this teaching by video on April 4, 2021, at the request of Fundación Sakya, Spain. An individual enters the Mahāyāna when he or she produces bodhicitta, the resolve to attain buddhahood for the sake of all sentient beings. It is the essence of the Mahāyāna […]

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The Nature of Mind

The Nature of Mind

His Holiness the Sakya Trichen (the 41st Sakya Trizin) bestowed this teaching in 1984 at Rigpa in London, England. All of us have the potential to become enlightened. However, in order to attain buddhahood, we do have to recognize and realize the true nature of mind. In this teaching, His Holiness explains the method to […]

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Introduction to Madhyamaka

The emptiness or shunyata view is the ultimate truth taught by Lord Buddha, which is expressed in the view of Madhyamaka, the Middle Way school. The ultimate truth is a profound teaching and therefore can be relatively challenging for some to understand as compared to the relative truth. In this brief teaching, a simple but […]

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Global Ecology from a Buddhist Perspective

This teaching was given by His Holiness the Sakya Trichen (the 41st Sakya Trizin) on July 8, 2011, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Acknowledgement: We thank a Dharma friend for sharing the audio teaching with us. […]

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Samantabhadra Prayer: History and How to Practice

The renowned Samantabhadra prayer, also known as “The King of All Aspiration Prayers,” is recited during the Sakya Aspiration Prayer Festival (Monlam) to invoke world peace and harmony. This prayer is also recited on various occasions, including the period of Chotrul Düchen. During the concluding session of the Great Sakya Monlam 2020, His Holiness the […]

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Four Reliances

His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin, Ratna Vajra Rinpoche, bestowed this teaching by video in the summer of 2020, at the request of his devoted students. In this teaching, His Holiness explains the importance of relying the four reliances, which were taught by Buddha Shakyamuni. His Holiness provides a simple, direct, and comprehensive instruction on […]

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