
Chetsun Gachen Khyabdag Nyingpo, the eighteenth abbot of Nalendra Monastery, was the reincarnation of Khyentse Rabten, the seventeenth abbot. […]

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Chetsun Khyentse Rabten, the seventeenth abbot of Nalendra Monastery, was the nephew of Chetsun Khyenrab Jampa Ngawang Lhundrub. Chetsun Khyentse Rabten was a highly realized master. His autobiography contains all his meditative experiences and realizations. He also established many temples in the Kham district such as Dezhung Monastery.           […]

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Chetsun Jamyang Donyo Gyaltsen is the eleventh abbot of Nalendra Monastery, who was honored by the Chinese emperor an official golden hat and robes, an imperial edict, and a golden seal. […]

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Chetsun Nyamtogkyi Dagnyi Sonam Chogdrub was the nephew of Chetsun Khyenrab Choje Rinpoche, the eighth abbot of Nalendra Monastery and the first Chogye Trichen. Chetsun Nyamtogkyi Dagnyi became the ninth abbot of Nalendra Monastery. […]

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Chetsun Khyenrab Choje, from the Zhalu Kushang branch of the ancient Che family was installed as the throneholder and eighth abbot of the Nalendra Monastery by Dagchen Lodrö Gyaltsen, the twenty-first Sakya throneholder. Khyenrab Choje was the first Chogye Trichen and was succeeded by seventeen holders of the Chogye Trichen title, all of whom came […]

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