
His Holiness the Sakya Trichen (the 41st Sakya Trizin) bestowed a two-day teaching on May 28 and 29, 2012 at Tai Pei Buddhist Center, Singapore, jointly organized by Sakya Tenphel Ling (Singapore Sasana Center) and Pureland Marketing. Addressing people at all levels of the path and all states of belief, His Holiness emphasizes in this […]

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His Holiness the 43rd Sakya Trizin, Gyana Vajra Rinpoche bestowed this teaching at the request of Tsechen Kunchab Ling, U.S.A. on July 22, 2022. The life story of Buddha Shakyamuni (Sanskrit, Śākyamuni), the founder of Buddhism, is not a fairy tale. In this teaching, His Holiness gives a brief account of the Buddha’s life, focusing […]

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His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin, Ratna Vajra Rinpoche, bestowed this teaching on June 21, 2017, at the request of Sakya Gephel Ling, Barcelona, Spain. The Tibetan term “tenching drelwar jungwa” means dependent origination, or dependent arising. Its short form is tendrel. The Buddha’s doctrine of tendrel asserts the interconnected nature of all phenomena. In its […]

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His Holiness the 43rd Sakya Trizin, Gyana Vajra Rinpoche bestowed this teaching online, at the request of ScinGiang Center, Italy on November 4, 2021. Parting from the Four Attachments, a concise pith instruction given by Mañjuśrī, the great bodhisattva encompassing wisdom, to Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, the first Sakya Patriarch, contains the entire essence of the […]

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