Chetsun Khyenrab Jampa Ngawang Lhundrub

Chetsun Khyenrab Jampa Ngawang Lhundrub, the sixteenth abbot of Nalendra Monastery, was matchless in his learning and understanding of sūtra and tantra. He was granted the Lamdré teachings thirty times and the Vajramālā empowerments fifteen times. He had many, many students all from Ngari to Mongolia, and was venerated by over two hundred incarnate abbots […]

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Ngawang Kunga Tashi

Ngawang Kunga Tashi, the twenty-ninth Sakya throneholder, was born at Sakya Monastery in 1656. His father was the twenty-eighth Sakya throneholder, Ngawang Sonam Wangchuk. His mother was Pekar Butri. According to legend, when he was still in his mother’s womb, his grandfather who served as the twenty-seventh Sakya throneholder, Jamgön Anye Shyap Kunga Sonam told […]

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