Khangsar Khenchen Dorje Chang Ngawang Lodro Shenpen Nyingpo

Ngor Khangsar Khenchen Ngawang Lodro Shenphen Nyingpo (Khenchen Dhamapa), the sixty-fifth abbot of Ngor Monastery, was born in Tzarong Menthang. He was later enthroned as Ngor Khangsar Shabdrung.  He received the three vows from the fifty-ninth Ngor abbot, Khangsar Khenchen Ngawang Lodro Nyingpo. When he went to receive teachings from Dzogchen Shenga Rinpoche, Shenga Rinpoche […]

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Dakpa Jamyang Chokyi Nyima

Dakpa Jamyang Chokyi Nyima, also known as Luding Gyalse Jamyang Chokyi Nyima, was the sixty-sixth abbot of the Ngor Monastery. A holder of the Vajrayoginī lineage and Lamdré Lobshed lineage, he was a student of Jamgon Loter Wangpo. […]

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Khenchen Labsum Gyaltsen

Khenchen Labsum Gyaltsen, an abbot of Bodong E Monastery, was a student of Nesar Jamyang Khyentse Wangchuk.  Further Readings: Labsum Gyeltsen, by Tsering Namgyal (Source: Treasury of Lives). […]

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Buddhaśrī, also known as Drubchen Sanggye Pel, was born in 1339 at the monastery of Gopu in the Dok region of Lato Jang. His father was Guśrī Peljor Lekpa, then the abbot of Gopu. His mother was Drolma Bum. From an early age, Buddhaśrī received the vows of a lay practitioner from Lama Sakya Zangpo. […]

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Lama Palden Tsultrim

Lama Palden Tsultrim, a Lamdré lineage holder, was a principal teacher to Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo, founder of Ngor sub-lineage of the Sakya school. […]

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Shangton Chobar

Shangton Chobar was born in Dingri in Tsang in 1053. He and his younger brother received the Lamdré from Seton Kunrig. Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, the first Sakya patriarch requested the Lamdré transmission from Shangton Chobar.   Further Reading: Biography of Zhangton Chobar by Alexander Gardner (Source: Treasury of Lives) […]

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