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薩迦派完全清淨、無有間斷之法脈源遠流長,至今已有近950年曆史,其法義博大精深, 多位傳承上師是公認的大覺者、瑜伽師、班智達等,利益了無數眾生。





A Message From His Holiness The Saky Trichen

Nam eu diam metus. Praesent sagittis felis ac arcu pharetra, ut maximus augue odales. Ahdn Quisque imperdiet dolor u pharetra, ut maximus auPraesent sagittis felis ac arcu pharetra huis jom djaldkf hisk lsalp …


2018年7月,在薩迦·赤千法王(第41任薩迦法王)的殊勝加持與親自指導下,薩迦派法義翻譯小組應運而生。法王亦加持並賜名發心小組為“薩迦傳承”。 “薩迦傳承”小組是義務性質的發心小組,發心成員都是由來自世界各地的義務發心者和修行者組成的。小組分別進行多種語言的翻譯、校對、整理以及平台運營,推廣薩迦派和分享薩迦大德們的教義等方面的事務。在我們的願景和運作中,我們嚴格地遵循第41任和第42任薩迦法王的建議和指導。



Individuals: Wish to Contribute as a The Sakya Tradition Volunteer?

If you are interested in joining our mission to preserve, translate and promote the Sakya Teachings, drop us an email. We are constantly recruiting passionate volunteers, who are bilingual or with skills and experience in computing, editing, photography, social-media, and many more.

Dharma Centers or Organizations: Interested to Print the Teachings of the Sakya?

We are happy to collaborate with Dharma centers or Buddhist Organizations around the world to  promote together the teachings of the Sakya Tradition, especially the teachings of Their Holinesses for non-commercial purposes (kindly refer to our creative common license statement).

發送電子郵件到: info@sakyatradition.org



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