
Drogmi Lotsawa

Drokmi Lotsāwa’s personal name is Śākya Yeshé. He was the first Tibetan lama to have received the Lamdré teachings. He gave Könchok Gyalpo many teachings, especially the Hevajra Tantra, but not the Lamdré teaching. Drokmi Lotsāwa did not give the two different types of teachings to the same person. Lamdré teaching is a pith instruction. […]

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The great Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, emanation of Lord Avalokiteshvara, embodiment of the compassion of all the Buddhas, emanation of Lord Manjushri, embodiment of the wisdom of all the Buddhas, was born in the Khön family to Khön Konchog Gyalpo and Sonam Kyid (known as Machig Shangmo). Shortly beforehand, the Lord of Mahadsiddhas, Namkha’upa Chokyi Gyaltsen, […]

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