
Vajradhāra refers to the primordial buddha, the truth body of enlightenment and progenitor of the Vajrayāna tradition. Vajradhāra is the originating deity of the Sakya Order, including the Lamdré lineage. […]

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Dragshul Thinley Rinchen, the thirty-ninth Sakya throneholder, was the paternal grandfather of His Holiness the Sakya Trichen, the forty-first Sakya throneholder and Her Eminence Jetsun Luding Kushok. He was born amidst auspicious signs and had since young age demonstrated extraordinary qualities. He received all the precepts, teachings, transmissions, empowerments, and instructions from his father, Kunga […]

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Dagchen Lodrö Gyaltsen Pal Zangpo, the twenty-first Sakya throne holder, was born in a village named Chammo Moyang near Sakya in 1444. His father was the eighteenth Sakya throne holder Jamyang Namkha Gyaltsen and his mother was Machick Pakjung Gyalmo. His elder brother is Sherab Gyaltsen, the twentieth Sakya throne holder. Dagchen Lodrö Gyaltsen was […]

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Shang Konchog Pal is the tenth lineage holder of the Vajrayoginī teachings and the sixteenth lineage holder of the Lam Dre teachings. He received them both from Chogyal Phagpa. He was also a student of Khampa Aseng, another important Sakya master. […]

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A holder of the Vajrayoginī and Lamdré Lobshed Lineages, Jetsun Doringpa Chenpo received ordination from Drathangpa Sherab Dawa. He stayed for many years at an isolated hermitage or retreat site named Kha’u Drak Dzong. Later, he imparted instructions of this Vajrayogini lineage to Tsarchen Losal Gyatso, the founder of the Tsar sub-lineage of the Sakya […]

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Jamgon Loter Wangpo, also known as Jamyang Loter Wangpo, was born as the son of Pasang Norbu and Yonten Kyi near Samdup Tse, in Tsang Nyangmed Tibet.  At a young age, he joined Ngor Ewam Monastery where he studied ritual practices from Acharya Sonam Phuntsok, along with literature, astrology, and other subjects from Pandita Jigme […]

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Jampa Kunga Tenzin served as the forty-seventh abbot of Ngor Monastery. His uncle was Jampa Namkha Chime, the forty-fourth abbot of Ngor Monastery. Jampa Kunga Tenzin is also a lineage holder in the Lamdré Lobshed and Vajrayoginī. […]

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Thartse Je Jampa Namkha Chime was born near Ngor, at Tsen Gyatso Ling. He received novice vows from Khangsar Ngawang Chokyong Zangpo, and he took full ordination with Sakya Khenpo Chinpa Tashi. Jampa Namkha Chime became the forty-fourth throne holder of Ngor in 1789. […]

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