

Māhasiddha Krishnapa, also known as Kāṇha was one of the eighty-four Indian māhasiddhas. He was Mahāsiddha Virūpa’s second disciple and a holder of the Lamdré lineage. […]

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Mahāsiddha Virūpa, the Lord of Yogins who lived in medieval India, received the Lamdré (Path and Its Result) instructions directly from the female buddha Vajra Nairātmyā, the consort of the tutelary deity Śrī Hevajra. He set forth these instructions in the Vajra Verses, which explicate the path to and result of perfect enlightenment, and the […]

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Drogmi Lotsawa

Drokmi Lotsāwa’s personal name is Śākya Yeshé. He was the first Tibetan lama to have received the Lamdré teachings. He gave Könchok Gyalpo many teachings, especially the Hevajra Tantra, but not the Lamdré teaching. Drokmi Lotsāwa did not give the two different types of teachings to the same person. Lamdré teaching is a pith instruction. […]

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The Birth of His Holiness His Holiness the Sakya Trichen was born at sunrise on the morning of the first day of the eighth lunar month in the year of the Wood Bird, or on September 7, 1945. His birth occurred painlessly in the very same blessed room where Kunga Rinchen, who revitalized the Sakya […]

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Jetsün Dragpa Gyaltsen རྗེ་བཙུན་གྲགས་པ་རྒྱལ་མཚན, the third of the five Sakya Patriarchs, was born in the year of the Female Fire Rabbit (1147) in Sakya, Tibet. His father was Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, the first Sakya patriarch. His mother’s name was Machig Odron. His older brother was Loppon Sönam Tsemo, who was the second Sakya patriarch. When […]

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His Holiness Dagchen Ngawang Kunga Sonam Jigdal was born to the fortieth Sakya throneholder, Trichen Ngawang Thutop Wangchuk, and Gyalyum Dechen Drolma in Sakya, Tibet.  He did extensive studies of the sūtras and tantras under the lotus feet of his father as well as Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and other great masters […]

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