Dzongpa Kunga Gyaltsen

Dzongpa Kunga Gyaltsen (1382-1446) is the founder of the Dzongpa sub-lineage of the Sakya school. His father was Onpo Norpel. He was a close disciple of Tegchen Chogyal Kunga Tashi Gyaltsen Pal Zangpo (1349-1425) of the Lhakang Lhabrang, and received the ordination name Jamyang Dragpal Pal. Together with Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo, the founder of the […]

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Gyalse Ngulchu Thogme Zangpo

Gyalse Ngulchu Thogme Zangpo, an emanation of Avalokiteśvara was a great Sakya master who served as an abbot of Bodong E Monastery. He was a great scholar, bodhisattva, and accomplished master. He composed The Thirty-Seven Practices of the Bodhisattvas, a famous text on bodhicitta along with many other important works. Extracted from Gyalse Ngulchu Thogme […]

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Yagton Sangye Pal

Yagton Sangye Pal was considered as the emanation of Lord Maitreya, the coming buddha. He wrote several commentaries on Lord Maitreya’s teachings. Extracted from An Overview of the Sakya School of Tibetan Buddhism: History, Masters, and Teachings (2021), by H.H. the Sakya Trichen; The Sakya Tradition Publications. Further Readings: The Sakya School of Tibetan Buddhism: […]

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Rendawa Shunu Lodrö

“Rendawa Shunu Lodrö specialized in the Madhyamaka philosophy, the Middle Way school. He wrote many books on Madhyamaka. Rendawa Shunu Lodrö was also the main teacher of Lama Tsongkhapa, the founder of the Gelug school. Lama Tsongkhapa studied under Rendawa for many years.” Extracted from An Overview of the Sakya School of Tibetan Buddhism: History, […]

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Rongton Sheja Kunrig

“Rongton Sheja Kunrig was another brilliant scholar and wrote many books. It is said that whenever he gave teachings, a fragrance pervaded the air, a shower of flowers fell from the sky, and rainbows appeared.” Extracted from An Overview of the Sakya School of Tibetan Buddhism: History, Masters, and Teachings, by H.H. the Sakya Trichen; […]

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Dzongpa Kunga Namgyel

Dzongpa Kunga Namgyel is the founder of the later Dzongpa sub-sect of the Sakya school and its monastery Gongkar Choede or Gongkar Dorjeden in Tibet. When he was 15 years old, he received the vows of a lay devotee from his main lama, Draktopa Sonam Zangpo along with many teachings, including the Sakya Lamdré. At […]

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Jamchen Rabjampa Sangye Pal

Jamchen Rabjampa Sangye Pal, also known as Yagyal Khepai Wangpo Jamchen Rabjampa Sangye Pal, was born in Dorpe in 1412. He received the three vows from Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo, and studied with many scholars and masters. Further Readings: The Sakya School of Tibetan Buddhism: A History, by Dhongthog Rinpoche; Wisdom Publications. […]

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Śākya Chokden

“Śākya Chokden was a very great master and wrote many books. He had a very sharp mind and gave the most authentic and profound teachings in a detailed manner.” Extracted from An Overview of the Sakya School of Tibetan Buddhism: History, Masters, and Teachings (2021), by H.H. the Sakya Trichen; The Sakya Tradition Publications. Further […]

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Gowo Rabjampa Kunkhyen Sonam Senge

Kunkhyen Gowo Rabjampa, also known as Gorampa Sonam Senge, was one of the great philosophers of Tibetan history and also the sixth throneholder of Ngor Monastery. Born in Kham, he traveled to Ü-tsang to study under the great masters such as Kunkhyen Rongton, Sangye Pel, Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo, and so on. Gorampa taught extensively at […]

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Shuchen Tsultrim Rinchen

Shuchen Tsultrim Rinchen was  a prominent scholar and the famous editor of the Derge Tengyur.  He was a major figure in the transmission of the grammatical and literary arts. Further Readings: The Sakya School of Tibetan Buddhism: A History, by Dhongthog Rinpoche; Wisdom Publications. […]

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