Dzongpa Kunga Gyaltsen

Dzongpa Kunga Gyaltsen (1382-1446) is the founder of the Dzongpa sub-lineage of the Sakya school. His father was Onpo Norpel. He was a close disciple of Tegchen Chogyal Kunga Tashi Gyaltsen Pal Zangpo (1349-1425) of the Lhakang Lhabrang, and received the ordination name Jamyang Dragpal Pal. Together with Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo, the founder of the […]

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Buddhaśrī, also known as Drubchen Sanggye Pel, was born in 1339 at the monastery of Gopu in the Dok region of Lato Jang. His father was Guśrī Peljor Lekpa, then the abbot of Gopu. His mother was Drolma Bum. From an early age, Buddhaśrī received the vows of a lay practitioner from Lama Sakya Zangpo. […]

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Lama Palden Tsultrim

Lama Palden Tsultrim, a Lamdré lineage holder, was a principal teacher to Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo, founder of Ngor sub-lineage of the Sakya school. […]

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Jamyang Namkha Gyaltsen

Jamyang Namkha Gyaltsen was born in 1398. His father was Kunga Gyaltsen and mother was Mahick Namkha Gyalmo. As a child, he had a prodigious capacity for learning. He memorized a 200-page text known as the Two Analyses within two days. Therefore, he earned the title of Jamyang Chenpo, or Great Mañjuśrī. He was also […]

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Gushri Lodrö Gyaltsen

Gushri Lodrö Gyaltsen, also known as Tokla Dragpa Lodrö Gyaltsen is the seventeenth Sakya throneholder. He took ordination from Lama Dhampa Sonam Gyaltsen, the fourteenth Sakya throneholder. He studied with Tawen Kunga Rinchen, the sixteenth Sakya throneholder. […]

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Tawen Kunga Rinchen

Tawen Kunga Rinchen is the sixteenth Sakya throneholder and the second throne holder of the Zhitok Labrang, one of the four hereditary palaces in which Sakya was divided in the early fourteenth century. His father was Ketsun Mahkha Legpa Gyaltsen, the twelfth Sakya throneholder, who was also considered as the first throne holder of the […]

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Tawen Lodrö Gyaltsen

Tawen Lodrö Gyaltsen of the Lhakhang Labrang is the fifteenth Sakya throneholder. His father was Kunga Gyaltsen, one of the sons of Sangpo Pel, the eleventh Sakya throneholder. His mother was Machik Sonam Pel, the daughter or sister of Lama Kunpangpa Chodrak Pelzang of the Jonang school. When Tawen Lodrö Gyaltsen was sixteen, his predecessor, […]

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Lama Dhampa Sonam Gyaltsen

Lama Dhampa Sonam Gyaltsen is the fourteen Sakya throne holder. His father was Dagchen Zangpo Pal and his mother was Jomo Lugkye. He was ordained at the age of seventeen. He completed his training in sutra and tantra under Choeje Dragphugpa, his elder brother, Buton, and Pang Lotsawa among others. He was recognized as an […]

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Jamyang Donyö Gyaltsen

Jamyang Donyö Gyaltsen is the thirteenth Sakya throneholder. His father was Dagnyi Chenpo Sangpo Pal, the eleventh throneholder. In 1341, Jamyang Donyö Gyaltsen of the Rinchengang branch ascended the throne as the thirteenth Sakya ruler. […]

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Khetsun Namkha Legpe Gyaltsen

Khetsun Namkha Legpe Gyaltsen is the twelfth Sakya throneholder. His father was Dagnyi Chenpo Sangpo Pal, the eleventh throneholder. His mother was Machig Yon Dagmo. Shortly after Sangpo Pal’s death, one of his elder sons, Kunga Lodro Gyaltsen made a division of all his brothers into four branches who resided in four different phodrang, or […]

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