Enseñanzas del Dharma

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Meditation/Practice Instruction

The Nature of Mind
Teacher: Su Santidad el Sakya Trichen (el 41er Sakya Trizin)
Lugar de celebración United Kingdom,
Year: 1984

His Holiness the Sakya Trichen (the 41st Sakya Trizin) bestowed this teaching in 1984 at Rigpa in London, England.

All of us have the potential to become enlightened. However, in order to attain buddhahood, we do have to recognize and realize the true nature of mind. In this teaching, His Holiness explains the method to do so. He describes the progressive stages of meditation clearly and imparts instructions on how to overcome the problems that we may experience during meditation.

Source: The Meridian Trust Website

Although the teachings of the Buddha are always emphasizing on loving-kindness and compassion,
Practitioners who are striving to realize the truth, do not cease just there.

What is the essence in accomplishing enlightenment, the buddhahood?
How should we practice in order to attain such state?
In the pursuit of seeking the truth, what should we be mindful of?
Let’s read The Nature of Mind by 
His Holiness the Sakya Trichen,
and seek the truth together.