Enseñanzas del Dharma

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Wisdom and Compassion
Teacher: Su Santidad el Sakya Trichen (el 41er Sakya Trizin)
Lugar de celebración EE.UU
Year: 2003

His Holiness the Sakya Trichen (the 41st Sakya Trizin) bestowed this teaching in 2003 at Ahimsa Institute, South Egremont, Massachusetts, USA.

We often focus on the results that we desire without precise attention to the causal factors that will produce them. This is true whether we are speaking of worldly or spiritual goals: success, happiness, no more suffering, liberation, and enlightenment.

This teaching can help return our focus to the steps that we are walking right now on our path towards our highest goal. We can be confident that we have the right and effective methods for achieving what we desire when we are cultivating wisdom and compassion in our daily lives. Wisdom and compassion are like the two wings of a bird, a common simile in the Buddhist teachings. Working together, they are the means for achieving real happiness, up to and including highest buddhahood.

We believe that whether one is a Buddhist, a believer in some other religion, or unreligious, everyone can benefit from developing these two qualities. This teaching offers simple and comprehensible instructions for acquiring them.

Fuente:: This teaching was obtained from The L.A. Steel Show Youtube.

Wisdom and compassion are the essence to gain success in both worldly affairs and spiritual path. Why are these two qualities of the utmost importance?

Is it even possible to accomplish these great qualities? How did the Buddha teach and guide us in achieving these? What is the right way? How can one view both personal problems and world affairs in the perspective of Buddhism?

This text presents the teachings of the Buddha in a gradual and systematic manner. It is like a beacon of light illuminating and guiding us in the mist to reach our destination smoothly.