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Stūpas and Their Significance
Teacher: Su Santidad el Sakya Trichen (el 41er Sakya Trizin)
Lugar de celebración Singapore,
Year: 2013

His Holiness the Sakya Trichen (the 41st Sakya Trizin) bestowed this teaching in August 2013 at Sakya Tenphel Ling, Singapore.

This teaching is refreshing for everyone. His Holiness provides us a comprehensive explanation of stūpas and their significance. Interestingly, His Holiness talks about a particular stūpa that signifies one of the great deeds of the Buddha—the descent from the Thirty-Three Heaven to this world. Further, His Holiness also describes the four holy shrines of the Sakya Monastery in Tibet.

Acknowledgement: We thank a Dharma friend for sharing the audio teaching with us.