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Samantabhadra Prayer: History and How to Practice
Teacher: Su Santidad el 42do Sakya Trizin
Lugar de celebración Online Teaching,
Year: 2021

The renowned Samantabhadra prayer, also known as "The King of All Aspiration Prayers," is recited during the Sakya Aspiration Prayer Festival (Monlam) to invoke world peace and harmony. This prayer is also recited on various occasions, including the period of Chotrul Düchen. During the concluding session of the Great Sakya Monlam 2020, His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin, Ratna Vajra Rinpoche, discussed the historical origin of this prayer on January 2, 2021. His Holiness highlighted the unique features of the prayer and offered a simple yet direct instruction on the correct way to practice the Dharma. By following the proper practice, our efforts will yield immense benefits for ourselves and all sentient beings.

Source: This teaching was obtained from Sakya Monlam Facebook.